Discovery of the gemstone Apatite
Jan 2, 2007:
Norcross Madagascar Group (NMG) announces their discovery of the gemstone Apatite. 7 squares (44 km2) have been acquired. Electric Blue, and Green Apatite have been extracted. Alluvial and primary deposits. Less than 3 gram size gem material available. Block apatite upto 20 kg per piece available. NMG has named this property Phosphorus Mountain, and is currently testing the region for a potential industrial phosphorous mine. Current testing includes Phosphate of Lime (TPL) concentration. Results not yet available.
Apatite and rock phosphate are valued mainly for their phosphorous content. These minerals, are mostly utilized for the manufacture of fertilizers. Phosphorous obtained from apatite and rock phosphate is utilized mainly for the manufacture of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) which in turn is utilized for the production of pure chemicals like sodium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, fluorine-free dicalcium phosphate as animal food supplement. Phosphate products are also used in pharmaceuticals, ceramics, silk, textiles, insecticides, sugar refining and in the manufacture of explosives.
NMG's Active Alluvial Blue Apatite Deposits (Above and Below), with
Phosphorous Mountain in the background (Above).
(Above) Mica deposits are found with the apatite. (Below) Block gemmy
blue apatite rough cut and polished into a heart shape.
Author Biography |
Discovery of the gemstone Apatite By Robert Grant |
Robert Grant |