Our Products
Petrified Wood Skulls
Petrified Wood is a fossil in which the organic remains have been replaced by minerals in the slow process of turning to stone. This petrfication
process generally results in a Quartz Chaledony mineralization. Special
rare conditions must be met in order for the fallen wood to be
transformed into precious Fossil Wood or Petrified Wood.
In general, the fallen trees get buried in an environent free of oxygen
(anaerobic environment), which preserves the orginal tree structure and
general appearance. The other conditions include a regular access to
mineral rich water flowing through the wood, replacing the organic tree
structure with inorganic stone. The end result is Petrified Wood,
a tree, with its original basic structure in place, replaced by stone.
This process could occur in less than one thousand years. Exotic
minerals allow the rare red and green hues that can be seen in more rare
Petrified Wood Slices or Slabs from Madagascar. Norcross learned some of their techniques from the help of Bill Rose, a famous American petrified wood processor.
Petrified Wood Slices or Slabs from Madagascar. Norcross learned some of their techniques from the help of Bill Rose, a famous American petrified wood processor.
Petrified Wood Skulls
Petrified Wood is a fossil in which the organic remains have been replaced by minerals in the slow process of turning to stone. This petrfication
process generally results in a Quartz Chaledony mineralization. Special
rare conditions must be met in order for the fallen wood to be
transformed into precious Fossil Wood or Petrified Wood.
In general, the fallen trees get buried in an environent free of oxygen
(anaerobic environment), which preserves the orginal tree structure and
general appearance. The other conditions include a regular access to
mineral rich water flowing through the wood, replacing the organic tree
structure with inorganic stone. The end result is Petrified Wood,
a tree, with its original basic structure in place, replaced by stone.
This process could occur in less than one thousand years. Exotic
minerals allow the rare red and green hues that can be seen in more rare
Petrified Wood Slices or Slabs from Madagascar.
Norcross learned some of their techniques from the help of Bill Rose, a
famous American petrified wood processor.
Petrified Wood Slices or Slabs from Madagascar. Norcross learned some of their techniques from the help of Bill Rose, a famous American petrified wood processor.